the integrity of natural objects and processes

desacelerar, hair, plant, verganklikheid, eggshell, långsamt, aeglustada, tregere, încetini, suletinti, wood, fruiting, kefanaan, catkin, treg, zpomal, head, krótkotrwalosc, umbella, reed, melambatkan, spomal, desacelerar, rock, moteldu, epßade, capsule, geçicilik, egg, fungi, lassíts, nutshell, memperlambat, jonqos, excrement, sand, padtta, stipe, toadstool, skeleton, përkohshmëri, spike, bud, nut, resin, pebble-stone, seedhead, feather, fruit, pelt, fugacité, transitoriedade, stem, bone, celeritas celeritas , usporiti, transitorietà, ngadalësojnë, nodule, seed, bark, lento, mulandóság, fungus, stone, hidasta, leaf, root, gall, vertoef, lichen


ruurd van der noord

- the official website of ruurd van der noord - photographer


every concept arises from the equation of unequal things

just as it is certain that one leaf is never totally the same as another, so it is certain that the concept “leaf” is formed by arbitrarily discarding these individual differences and by forgetting the distinguishing aspects. this awakens the idea that, in addition to the leaves, there exists in nature the “leaf”: the original model according to which all the leaves were perhaps woven, sketched, measured, colored, curled, and painted, but by incompetent hands, so that no specimen has turned out to be a correct, trustworthy, and faithful likeness of the original model.

every word immediately becomes a concept, insofar as it is not intended to serve as a reminder of the unique and wholly individualized original experience to which it owes its birth, but must at the same time fit innumerable, more or less similar cases which means, strictly speaking, never equal in other words, a lot of unequal cases.

über wahrheit und lüge im außermoralischen sinn - 1873

friedrich nietzsche (1844-1900)

only in inidividuality there is life; and all inidividuality rests on a dark ground, which, however, must also be the ground of cognition.

philosophische untersuchungen über das wesen der menschlichen freiheit - 1809

friedrich von schelling (1775-1854)

ruurd van der noord


… photographer …


mauvaise-herbe husks twig 9x1,5|41x18@2024x905  algae wolno geçicilik flowerbase לאט husk 4x1,5|12x23@1098x2024  vertraag fiber peel المرارة կարճատեվություն eggshell 4x3|25x19@2024x1540  الرخويات रज्जु bone melambatkan semillas leaves 6x3|43x29@2024x1357  真菌 苔蘚 intertwined stipe 交織 feather 32x7|43x19@2024x905  berry byrhoedledd زهرة écorce επιβραδύνει pebble 4x1,5|41x27@2024x1348  clove 纖維 desacelerar 羽毛  7  साँप husk 4x4|36x30@2024x1654  corteza chaton transitoriedade बुराघास रोलरपियरे leaf 19x7|48x22@2024x921  漿果 الجناح samara pierre  root 19x15|38x32@2024x1671  卵石 樹皮 鹅卵石 الصفصاف concrete wood 10x6|41x23@2024x1131  mouse शंकु  10  조로 musgo  12  مصنع branch lichen 12x3|49x12@2024x529  باليا décortiquer grenouille मलमूत्र 烏賊骨 leaves twig 17x10|41x29@2014x1448  ארעיות मेंढक قالب kefanaan  6  الأذن fruit 2x1|33x23@2024x1447  फोम  6  ورقة فطر 分支  15  पत्थर seaweed 6,5x8|19x24@1566x2024  長角果  3  planta  9  पंख sepal  12  حصاة حجر leafs 9x2|46x16@2024x713  vertoef  10  العظام  8  باختصار  13  araignée  9  قذيفة  12  crapaud  14  बीज  15  頃刻  15  عظم  6   11  雌花器  10  entrelacés  9  להאט  13  mold  4  head fruit 10x5|41x24@2024x1178  быстротечность  8  ضفدع  7  lambat  6  hueso  14  [90]


s e a r c h i n g … l o a d i n g … p r e p a r i n g